Opportunities of Involvement in Merge for Mission

Sign up here for a committee. If you aren’t sure which committee to be on but want to serve please still submit your name. https://forms.gle/wa5E6PC5vLrSW6t27

Both congregations, Morrison Zion and Immanuel Shirley, voted on April 28 to move forward to Phase 2 of the Merge for Mission program. We have not voted to officially merge but to take the next steps in planning. Our current vision is that of a muli-site merger of one united ministry with two locations. The leaders of both congregations recently met to learn more about Phase 2 – The Envisioning Phase. In this phase the conversation starts to set out formal plans of what a merger of the two congregations might look like. This phase gives an opportunity for members of our congregation to be involved in a number of committees. While the Executive Committee which will guide the work and determine exactly which committees they feel are needed, here is a snapshot of some of the committees typically involved in this phase along with a brief description of the work of each committee.

Property Subcommittee – This group is responsible for studying the property and facilities at each location. They might report on the size of the property and facilities; study and share the potential sale value of the property, facility, and any equipment at all locations; note and report any needed maintenance; study and report on traffic patterns; etc. Ultimately, they are compiling a report on the strengths and weaknesses of the location and facilities of each congregation. This is an opportunity for anyone who had interest/talents in real estate and/or property valuation to serve.

Finance Subcommittee – This group is responsible for studying and producing a report about the assets and debts of each congregation. The Finance Committee also produces a report summarizing how each church approaches called worker and staff compensation and makes recommendations for compensation guidelines in the merged entity. If you have talents/interest in finances, this is an opportunity for you to serve.

Human Resource Subcommittee – This group is responsible for interviewing all called workers and staff that would be affected by any partnership, merger, or consolidation that might result. The HR Committee would want to determine how all staff feels about the potential merger. Do they think it wise or unwise, and why? Do they want to participate in the merger? If they want to participate, how do they see their skills and interests slotting into the new ministry efforts?

School Subcommittee – Since the thought of an early childhood ministry (ECM) is one of the big points of discussion in this merger idea, this committee will be an important part. They will work with advisors from the WELS Commission on Lutheran Schools to determine what the ECM and a joint school might look like. They will have to determine tuition/funding models as part of their vision for the school portion of the merge. This committee will help build community and buy in for the elementary school and ECM at each congregation. This committee is an opportunity to serve for those who desire to help shape the future of Christian education in the merged entity.

Governance Subcommittee – If the resulting partnership is a legal merger, it requires setting up a transition governance group. This committee works with the congregational leadership to plan that transition. It also works on producing an updated (or new) congregational constitution. If you have an interest in governance or legal matters, this is your opportunity to serve.

Ministry Subcommittee – This is the committee that produces a two-to-five year ministry plan. It includes long-range components: mission statement, core values, vision. This committee also works with called workers to work towards a unified philosophy of ministry. If you do well in planning a vision for an organization or working on a long range plan or its components, this would be a place for you to serve.

If you are interested in possibly serving on one of these committees, please speak to Pastor Enderle or Randy Loppnow by July 15.

This phase allows the members of each congregation to give grassroots input on shaping how we envision that the merger might look. We ask you to prayerfully look at the gifts God has given you and see if you might serve a particular committee.

– written by Pastor James Enderle and Joel Gaertner from WELS Congregational Services