Who is He? – Children’s Christmas Program (Dec. 24, 2021)

December 24, 2021

Series: Christmas

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I’d like to welcome you all here today.  My name is Pastor James Enderle.  It’s a blessing to be here together this Christmas Eve.  One of the jokes always is that it’s easy for pastors to talk a long time.  One of the most difficult things is to ask them to talk for a short time, like 3-5 minutes, so we’ll see how it goes.  But we’re excited to be here.

You’re going to hear from the kids about Jesus and who He is.  We know who Jesus is.  He came and told us who He was and He told us over and over again the purpose for coming.  He told us that He came to do His Father’s will.  He came to show us who God the Father is.  He came to show us who God was and the love that He has for you and for the world.  He says if you want to know who God is, look at Jesus.  You’re going to hear that from the kids.  You’re going to hear of how He was prophesied, how He was the Promised One, how He was this newborn blessed child who is God incarnate, and how He is to be shared.  Because of the love that He has given us, because He went to the cross and died for us, we want to share that good news to others.

The question I want you to think about though is who is He to you?  We know who He is, but who is He to you?  That’s a question we often want to think about.  We know what it is to show when something is important to us.  Think of your favorite sports teams.  How do you show they’re important?  You buy their uniforms.  You go to their games.  You make sure you don’t miss a game.  And you invite people over to watch their games.  You have kids here.  Maybe they are your kids, your nieces or nephews, your grandkids, or just friends.  How do you show that kids are important to you?  You go to their events.  You would probably do just about anything for those kids that are so special to you.  When they do something, you share it.  You want to share their pictures, your grandkids’ pictures, and you tell all about the awesome things they’ve done.

Who is Jesus to you?  How do you show it?  How do you show who Jesus is, your Savior, in your life?  How do you show and spend your time focusing on Jesus?  How do you show that He is important?  You’ll do anything for your kids.  How do you show that Jesus is important?  And how do we share about Him?  He is our Savior.  He died for us.  He gives us peace and forgiveness.  That’s what it’s about!  I can’t tell you, I can’t say who He is for you.  Let’s examine how to show that He is our Savior so that we can show and express that in our life in so many different ways.

I’m thankful that you’re here and I’m thankful that the kids are here today to show you who He is and how we can show how thankful we are that He is in our life and what He means to us.  Amen.