Blessings of Living in Unity

It pains me. It pains me deeply. I understand it. I have stood in the same spot they are now standing. I understand why they said it. I’ve said it myself. But, that does not change this simple fact: It pains me to hear it.

“It” is how hard it is for us to open up to our brothers and sisters in Christ so they can offer us Christian love, encouragement, and support. Believe me, I know the cause of the fear. We are afraid of how people will view us. We worry about what they might say if they know the struggles we have. We think everyone will whisper about us behind our backs instead of simply offering us Christian love. Satan uses this fear to keep us from finding the love and support of our fellow Christians who would point us back to God’s love for us in Jesus. Satan is a master of misdirection. He will tell any lies he can think of to keep us away from the gospel, the one thing that is needed. If he thinks our fellow believers might just point us to Jesus he will work hard to isolate us. I know it. I’ve been there. I didn’t like it there.

One of the ongoing goals I have for our congregation is to spend more time finding ways to encourage us to love one another in real, tangible ways. Not just in our words, but also reflecting Christ’s love in our actions. I can see a day when we point each other to the one thing needed as we willingly support and encourage one another. What a blessing that would be! It is the exact blessing upon which this week’s Psalm of the Day focuses.

Psalm 133:1

How good and pleasant it is
    when brothers live together in unity!