Morrison Zion Lutheran hosts many different Bible studies throughout the week. These varied gatherings are held on mornings and evenings, weekdays and weekends, for both youth and adults and much more – all in an effort to meet the spiritual needs of its members and to praise God. Morrison Zion’s Bible classes at this time include:
Sunday Morning Bible Study: In September we will continue our study on Esther—Born
For Her Time from the God’s People Series. We will discuss the life of Esther and apply it to our
lives today. We meet study Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. in the church basement.
Sept. 10 Pages 34-36
Sept. 17 Pages 37-42
On September 24 we will have a special one week Bible Study in the gym while the Youth
Group Breakfast is being served. Grab your food and study God’s Word together. The study will
start at 9:30 and end by 10:10 to give people time before or after to get food and have fellowship.

You can find the episodes and study material at [link]. This study and series can serve a great opportunity for you and your family to dig into scripture. You can also click the above photo.
Watch the Let’s Go Bible Study videos and find the study guides here [link]. You can also click the picture below to find the material.

BIBLE READING PLAN: In September we will look at two devotional plans. Speak to Pastor
Enderle if you would like to join.
- Sept. 5 – Oct. 6: Gifts from God—Devotions from Time of Grace.
SUNDAY NIGHT BOOK DISCUSSION: will meet starting Sunday, September 10 at 7 p.m. in the
church basement to discuss the book “The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness” by Timothy Keller.
Books are available downstairs and the back of church for $2.
FRIENDSHIP WITNESSING WORKSHOP: This workshop will focus on how to build bridges with people and earn the right to talk to them about Jesus. This one hour workshop will meet on Saturday, Aug. 5 at 9:00 a.m. and on Monday, Aug. 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the church basement. This Fall we will have a Festival of Friendship in place of Welcome Home Sunday. Every member is encouraged to bring a friend to worship with them that day. Join us for this one hour workshop and learn how to build bridges and share Jesus!
ESL CLASS: will move to Thursdays. We will meet Sept. 7 and 21 at
5:30 p.m. in the pavilion or in the church basement. New students and volunteers are welcome!
MEN’S BIBLE STUDY: will meet on Monday, September 4 at 7:00 p.m. Join us at the bonfire or in the
church basement depending on the weather.
WOMEN’S IN-HOME STUDY: We will meet for Women’s in-home Bible Study on Saturday, September 9th
at 9:30am at Ruth Zeamer’s home. Please bring your bible and invite a friend to join us! If you
have any questions, contact Jen Enderle at 920-372-3818. This will be our last Bible Study of this
year, as I (Jen) prepare for, welcome, and adjust to having a newborn. Please bring a bible and invite a friend. Any questions contact Jen Enderle (920-372-3818).
MEDITATIONS: This daily devotional book is available by the front and rear entries of church.
They are found in the racks. There is a place for you to place your gift to help cover the cost of the
books. These daily devotions are a great way for you to grow in faith alone or together with your
family! Pick up one the next time you are at church!
NEW LIFE IN CHRIST CLASS: This review of the basic doctrine of the Bible meets Thursdays at
5:30 p.m. in the church basement.
YOUTH GROUP BIBLE STUDY: will meet for Bible study on Sundays at 7:00 p.m. at school. Open gym follows. We will begin planning for the 2024 International Youth Rally. Look for more info soon.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: starts on September 17th! We will meet at school 9:15-10:15. Parents look for
sign-ups at school and in the church basement for your child(ren). Sunday School is for kids ages 3
(potty trained) through 6th grade. If any teens are interested in helping that can be indicated on the
sign up sheets or communicated directly to Jen Enderle 920-372-3818 or
We would still love some extra helping hands, substitute teachers, or co-teachers for this Sunday
School year. Connect with Jen if you have any interest or with any questions.
WEDNESDAY CONFIRMATION CLASS: for public school students 5th-8th grade begins Wednes-
day, August 30 from 5:00 pm to 6:15 pm. Classes are held at Morrison Zion Lutheran Church. Please contact Pastor Enderle with any questions
ROOTED GAME AND STUDY: and Study Join us on Monday, May 8 at 5:00 p.m. for food, games, and
Bible Study at the parsonage. Anyone in their 20’s or 30’s can join us. If you have kids, they are
welcome to join us as well. Food will be provided but you are welcome to bring a side, snacks, or
desserts. Contact Pastor or Jen Enderle with any questions. Invite a friend!
Living Water Small Groups: We would like to start small groups again. If you would be inter-
ested in hosting a small group Bible Study at your house or helping facilitate a study please speak to Pastor Enderle. A few people have already responded with interest in helping.
Partnering in the Gospel Follow-Up: Join us at school on Monday, Aug. 26, 6:30-8:00 p.m. for a follow-up to the Partnering in the Gospel Seminar. We will discuss several of the “take home” sections of the Seminar (Lies We Believe, Spiritual Healthy Discipleship, and the Spiritual Gift Inventory) along with in any other questions. Speak to Pastor Enderle if you have questions.
FUN DAY: is a free program held in the Morrison Zion Church basement. The focus is to learn
school readiness and the love of Jesus, while having lots of fun with peers. Children ages 3 & 4
(already potty trained) are invited to attend. Fun Day will start on Tuesday, September 12 from
8:30am – 10:30 am. In the church basement. It will be held every Tuesday morning unless there is no
school at Morrison Zion. Please share with a friend or a neighbor! If you have any questions please
contact Danielle Ripp at 920-621-3196 or
Sunday School: will start after Labor Day in September! We are still looking for teachers,
even if you are willing to help or be a substitute teacher, that would be of great help. No teaching experience necessary, just a willingness to learn and share Jesus’ love with the kids. Please contact Jen Enderle 920-372-3818 or if you are interested. Thanks! Look for more information about Sunday School in the weekly announcements and next month’s newsletter.