Offerings can be mailed to the church:
7395 County Road W Greenleaf, WI 54126
Online donations can be given via the following two links:
E-Service Payment – Online Donation

Morrison Zion Lutheran Church & School Wish List Items
Items are not listed in any particular order:
-SMART TV (40-43″) for Church Bible Study Room
-Storm windows for the stained glass windows at church
-Redo parking lot at church
-Lighting for the church parking lot (please contact Randy Loppnow 920-864-7584 if you have an interest in donating this item)
-New garage/storage
-New stoles for pastors’ white gown
-New banners for church
-Ceiling fan for 3rd and 4th grade room
-Digital sign for church and school in front of church ($10,000-$20,000 – Please speak with Pastor Enderle or Jake Geidel)
-100 folding chairs for using in the gym (about $20 per chair)
-Volleyball game net
-Money for science resources
Offer to help or donate towards the completion of an item, or for more information or to request a wish list item be added, contact Nancy Pantzlaff

The food pantry is always in need of volunteers and the following supplies: juice, cereal, black beans, pinto beans, corn, canned fruit, baking items, ketchup, soap, toothpaste, shampoo, laundry detergent, Kleenex, and toilet paper.
If you can help out with donations or volunteering, that would be awesome! If able to volunteer, please sign up here or contact Linda Bruegge.
If you know of anyone struggling with food insecurity, please give them the food pantry number 920-246-5435 or have them contact one of the pastors.

The Soup for Souls Ministry provides our congregation another opportunity to reach out to friends, relatives, neighbors, and co-workers in our community and show them Christian love. Care packages of meals, dessert, and homemade cards are given to individuals we encounter every day that may need some kind words of encouragement and love. Through this program we hope to reach individuals and show them the face of Jesus’ love and that we as a congregation care about them as they face a new, old or recurrent challenge in their lives.
If you know of someone who is going through a difficult time or could use some care, please make use of the Soup for Souls meals. Frozen meals are available at school and at church. Meals include a dessert. Free cards are included where you can write a message of encouragement or God’s Word.
If you would like to support this ministry special envelopes are now available at church. Thanks to everyone who helps with Soup for Souls and supports this great program that helps us show the love of Christ.