March 7, 2023 – 4:00 p.m.
First Lesson: Revelation 7:13-17 |
Sermon Text: Matthew 11:28-30 |
Worship Theme: Islands in the Son: An island full of light |
First Lesson: Isaiah 42:14-21 |
Second Lesson: Ephesians 5:8-14 |
Gospel Lesson: John 9:1-7,13-17,34-39 |
Worship Theme: Lenten Midweek 2 – “Acceptable” Sins: Irritability/Impatience |
Worship Theme: Islands in the Son: An island for all |
First Lesson: Genesis 12:1-8 |
Second Lesson: Romans 4:1-5,13-17 |
Gospel Lesson: John 4:5-26 |
Morrison Zion Lutheran School
Church & School Office