Registration packets will be available in the church basement near the end of July.
Below is an option to print and fill out paperwork at home instead:

Click the picture above to register online for Morrison Zion Lutheran School. Or click the following link

Print, fill out, and return at registration. This form involves providing updated phone numbers, addresses, emails, etc.

If it pertains to your family, print, fill out, and return at registration.

Print off the four pages of the MZLS Parental Agreement and Consent Form that both Parent/Legal Guardians must initial along with a section for students to initial and Parental/Guardian signatures.
The School Cancellation, Hotline Sheet, and School Newsletter Email Sheet is included on the MZLS Parental Agreement and Consent Form
Initialing the MZLS Parental Agreement and Consent Form says you have read and understand the following forms below: Parent/Legal Guardian responsibility, Parent and Student Handbook, Call to Serve Form, Chromebook Use, Technology Use, and the Athletic Agreement
The Uniform Policy, Transportation for Field Trips, and Publishing Students Information are located on the MZLS Parental Agreement and Consent Form

Print, fill out, and return at registration for each student.
Please also take the necessary time to read and print off the following forms if any of these pertain to your child/children or something you wish to participate in or know someone that wishes to help:
Have any questions? Please contact our Principal or our Secretary, and they would be more than happy to help you out!