When do you meet for worship?
Worship services are held year-round on Sunday mornings at 8 am and 10:30 am, and Thursday nights at 7 pm. In addition, there are many special services throughout the year – you can find upcoming services on our Calendar page. Bible classes and Sunday School are held at 9:15 am, after the 8am service and before the 10:30 am service. Bible study takes place at church, and Sunday School is held next door at Morrison Zion Lutheran School (Sunday school takes place during the school year, September-May).
What is worship like at Morrison Zion?
Every church has its own worship style. We think you’ll enjoy the services at Morrison Zion, but as in any church, it may take a couple of Sundays to get accustomed to our way of praising God and receiving God’s gifts.
Bulletins are available on your way into the sanctuary. You can also follow along with the service on the screens in the sanctuary. Feel free to sit wherever you’d like. The bulletin will outline the service for you: hymn numbers, page numbers for Psalms/prayers and the Scripture readings for the day.
Our worship services focus on readings from God’s Word – the Bible. In the Bible, we hear God talk to us. Music and singing are also important parts of our worship. Morrison Zion is blessed with a beautiful organ; most Sundays the organ provides accompaniment to our hymns and songs of praise. Feel free to join in if you feel comfortable!
We usually follow a variety of liturgies (set ways of conducting worship) and they may have the following parts:
- The Invocation: We call on the name of the Lord as we praise Him with song.
- Confession of Sins and Absolution: We admit that we are sinful and have failed to do what God requires of us; then we are reassured of forgiveness in Jesus.
- Bible Readings: You may follow along on the screens or in the bulletin. We hear selections from the Old Testament prophets, Jesus’ apostles and Jesus himself. Our pastors also gives a brief explanation of each reading.
- Sermon: Our pastors offer instruction and encouragement in a Bible-based sermon for all ages. You can expect God’s guidance and grace for dealing with life’s problems, as well as the promise of eternal life in heaven through our Savior Jesus Christ.
- Response to the Word: We respond with offerings and prayers for God’s blessings; we ask for strength to do what he asks.
- Blessing: Before we depart, we hear one more assurance of the Lord’s gracious care.
During some services, members partake of the Lord’s Supper. Morrison Zion (and all congregations of the WELS) practice “close communion”. For an explanation of this practice, please contact Pastor Ott or Pastor Enderle.
Weekly we are live streaming and posting full services to YouTube. To get an idea of what the flow of a service is like, visit our YouTube Channel.
What should I wear?
You might wonder how to dress at a new church. Since the Bible presents no dress code, Morrison Zion doesn’t make any rules either (except for simple decency and Christian humility).
Our members try to make their worship time special and this is often reflected in the way they dress. Still, dress is a personal matter. One person may dress casually and rejoice that our gracious God accepts us as we are, while another may dress to reflect the awe and reverence we have for Jesus.
On any Sunday, you may see running shoes and heels, jeans and suits, flannel shirts and ties. When a person dresses out of love for his/her Lord, the choice of dress (be it casual or formal) is acceptable to God and us.
What about the offering?
Like most Christians, our members bring offerings to God through Morrison Zion. Since offerings are gifts of love for God, no one dictates what each person is to give. We have baskets set up for offerings as you enter the sanctuary and use offering envelopes to keep our gifts a private matter known only to the Lord. A child may bring quarters or dimes. Someone older may write a check or throw in a couple paper bills.
As our guest, we do not expect you to contribute an offering nor do we want to pressure you into contributing. You may wish to learn more about our ministry before bringing your offerings to God through Morrison Zion, but you are welcome to participate as your heart leads you to give.
Do I have to stand up and introduce myself?
We can assure you that we won’t embarrass you in this or any other way. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible and at home with us. Time at church should be an enjoyable and uplifting experience. We promise to do all we can so you can learn about your Savior.
Can I bring my children to worship services?
Yes! Our congregation is much like a family with infants, kids, teens, adults and elderly. It is not unusual to hear the cry of a baby mixed in with the sound of hymns or readings. However, we do have space outside the sanctuary and in the church basement if you feel that your child is becoming a distraction to others.
What if I don’t know much about the Bible?
Worship and Bible classes are opportunities to grow in our knowledge of the Bible and our faith in Jesus. We’ve never found someone who has the entire Bible memorized – not even our Pastors!
How can I become a member of Morrison Zion?
Start worshiping with us! If you desire to learn more about the Bible and Morrison Zion’s teachings, talk to Pastor Enderle about taking a Bible Information Class. One of them will sit down with you and your family and go through the truths of God’s Word.
What is the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)?
Morrison Zion is a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). Our church body started in Milwaukee, Wisc. in the 1850s…hence the name!
The word “Lutheran” comes from the great 16th-century reformer Martin Luther. At that time in history, the church had lost sight of its Savior and the truth of his Word. To restore that truth, the Lord used Martin Luther to boldly challenge the errors and preach Jesus Christ as Savior. For this reason, we are proud to remember his work by using his name to identify ourselves.
Our membership in the WELS unites us with like-minded Christians across the country and world. It allows us to jointly do work we cannot do on our own. We pool our resources for mission work at home and abroad, train young people to serve as pastors and teachers and publish resources such as hymnals and Bible studies. Above all, we find comfort in knowing there are Christians throughout the world who share our common faith.
Our congregation and church body are solidly based on the Bible. We believe that Jesus is our only Savior and way to heaven. Through faith we are united to Him and to each other.
For more information, click here.
Are there more opportunities in the area for Lutheran education?
Morrison Zion operates a Christian 4K-8th Grade school. Our congregation is close to two area Lutheran High Schools, Manitowoc Lutheran High School in Manitowoc, WI, and Fox Valley Lutheran High School in Appleton, WI.