Hans Herzog (Member Spotlight)

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From the Morrison Zion May 2021 Newsletter

This month the Member Spotlight is on Hans Herzog. Hans, a lifetime member of Zion, Morrison married his wife Monique in 1993. The Herzog’s have four children all of whom are married. The Herzog’s have seven grandchildren.

Hans attended grade school at Zion, Morrison, high school at Wrightstown and also took a short course on Farm and Industry at Madison which helped to prepare him for his future life running a farm. Hans bought the family farm from his parents in 1991. The farm’s main focus was dairy until 2015 when they transitioned from dairy to beef and expanded into other areas that include hogs, meat chickens, laying hens, bees and grains. It is quite a diverse operation and of course all of the grandchildren like to visit and help! Hans considers himself blessed to be able to work with God’s creation every single day!

Hans also keeps busy by driving bus for the Wrightstown School District. He does the AM and PM routes and also drives for some sporting events and field trips. Hans says, “Kids are very creative and imaginative, usually in a positive way!”

In his many years at Zion, Morrison Hans has had many roles. In the past he has served as Usher and Head Usher. He has also served on the finance committee and served as financial secretary. He is a past member of the choir and helped write the new church constitution.

Currently Hans is serving on the Leadership Team. These are all ways that Hans enjoys being part of the body of Christ however, the most meaningful thing to him is that he has the joy and peace of hearing that Jesus is his Savior and the comfort of the promise of heaven!

Hans favorite Bible passage is John 3:16, “For God so love the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This is Han’s favorite scripture because it is a simple verse to summarize what the Bible is all about with a focus on the Gospel. Another favorite of Hans is verse two of Hymn 613, “Come, You Thankful People Come”. The words of verse 2 are especially meaningful to him because of his family’s farming lifestyle. “First the blade and then the ear, then the full corn shall appear.” These words are meaningful to Hans because they describe the miracle of photosynthesis which keeps us all fed and is the foundation of farming! Hans points out that these words also describe our faith which starts as a small seed and grows with regular nurturing through regular attendance at church, Bible study and the Lord’s Supper.