You Are An Answer To This Prayer

We often pray about things that are absolutely out of our control. When we pray for a loved one to be healed we know that we are unable to heal them. It is in God’s hands. When we pray for rain we know that we are unable to affect the weather patterns on our own, but God can. So often in our life we have to let go of things and leave them in God’s hands.

In the Psalm of the Day this week we offer a prayer to God that we can take an active role in receiving the answer we want. When we pray, “Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me” we have a definite role to play. God will not leave us. When we become faithless to him and follow our own sinful nature he remains faithful to us. Jesus has still died for our sins. If we want the Spirit to keep us strong in the faith then we should make sure we spend time with the Spirit. God tells us the Spirit works through the Word and the Sacraments. To pray, “Don’t take your Spirit from me” and then avoid the Word and Sacrament would be foolish. It would be like saying to someone, “Grab the other end of this table and help me carry it into the house” and then getting in the car and driving away.

Amazing, isn’t it. God makes us an answer to our own prayer. What answer are you giving?

Psalm 51:11

Do not cast me from your presence

  Or take your Holy Spirit from me.