From My Heart To Your Ears

Have you ever noticed how quick we all are to blame someone else for some of the problems we face? It is becoming more and more rare for someone to admit that they caused the problem they are facing. Think about it. How often do you find yourself saying, “I know what I did was wrong, but…” We then go on to describe why our struggles are really not because we did wrong but because someone else did. It’s not surprising we do that. Our sinful nature is quick to excuse our actions by pointing out the failings of others.

This week’s Psalm of the Day is Psalm 40. It is a psalm of David that describes his plea to the Lord for help when troubles abound. What is interesting is that David admits that his troubles are his fault. He says in verse 12, “For troubles without number surround me; my sins have overtaken me, and I cannot see. They are more than the hair on my head, and my heart fails within me.” What an honest self-appraisal!

David teaches us not only to be honest about ourselves, but he also tells us where to take those troubles. He cries out to the Lord. He confesses his confidence that God has lifted him out of the “slimy pit” of his sins and set him on “solid ground”. That solid ground is trust that God is our Savior. He takes away our sins. We don’t. He forgives. We rejoice.

David then details how he will share that forgiveness. The news of being right with God is a “new song” on the heart of David. But it is not the kind of song he just sings over and over in his head. No, David knows this is a song to share. He will praise God by proclaiming it to others so that they too may put their trust in God.

So, how about you? Instead of humming your favorite tune in your head this week, why not tell someone about the good news of forgiveness in Jesus?

Psalm 40:3

He put a new song in my hear

     a hymn of praise to our God.

Many will see and fear

and put their trust in the Lord.