November 5, 2023
Series: End Time, Reformation
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Difficulties, Expectations, Faithful, God's Word, Opposition, Proclaim, Promises, Rescue, Truth
The Sunday – Lord, keep us faithful to your Word! The Festival of the Lutheran Reformation of the Church emphasizes the true Church’s unfailing reliance on the Word of God and unflinching testimony to it in the face of persecution.
The Season – The focus of the season is fulfillment of Christ’s promises and encouragement for the Church of the End Times. We live in the last age of this earth and in this season, Jesus wants us to remember His promise, “Behold, I am coming soon!” The Prayer of the Day for each Sunday in End Times sets the theme for the day. On each Sunday, the Church prays that God would bestow on her a characteristic necessary for the End Times Church.
August 28, 2022
Speaker: Pastor Randy Ott
Topic: Promises, Repentance, Slumber, Treasure, Truth
The Believer Follows Christ… Wake Up! Welcome to worship today at Morrison Zion Lutheran Church. … read more
April 24, 2022
Series: Sundays of Easter
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Doubt, Grace, Impossible, Promises, Righteousness
God works the impossible Human faith is not absent of doubt Faith depends on what… read more
December 26, 2021
Series: Promises Kept
Speaker: Pastor Randy Ott
Topic: Father's Will, Jesus, Promises
Welcome to worship today at Morrison Zion Lutheran Church. We exist to glorify God. We… read more