July 30, 2023
Series: Sundays after Pentecost, The Christian...
The Christian lives as wheat among weeds as he waits for the harvest. In the Prayer of the Day, we ask for the spirit to live like wheat–to think and to do what is right–even while we live in this sinful world. Living with an eye on the coming harvest gives us encouragement, comfort, and hope. The Christian lives as wheat among weeds.
May 7, 2023
Series: Sundays of Easter, The Redeemer Lives
I am the way, the truth, and the life. Christ’s message is so exclusive that it rejects all others. There is only one way to the Father, and that way is a person. The exclusivity of salvation resting in the person of Jesus Christ is a rock against which the unbelieving world crushes itself, but upon which God builds his Church. The Redeemer Lives to be the only Way to heaven.