March 12, 2025
Series: Lenten Midweek, Lord, Have Mercy
Speaker: Pastor David Ruddat
Topic: Close, Egyptians, First Commandment, forgiveness, Gods, Idolatry, Incessant, Intimate, Lord, Love, mercy, Projection, Relationship, Selfish, Ten Commandments, Trust, Worship
If a loved one needed serious heart surgery, would you prefer a first-year medical student to perform the operation, or would you rather it be a seasoned doctor who has done that surgery two-thousand times? How about if you were accused of a serious crime you didn’t commit? Would you be content with a legal intern defending you? Or might you want a more experienced, skilled attorney? You want the person who will best care for you. So, apply that reality to the First Commandment.
When God tells us not to have any other gods, our sinful nature’s first inclination is to think it is because God is a narcissist who craves the attention. That is projecting what we are often like onto Him. But God commands us to have no other gods, not because He seeks attention, but because He knows there is no one who loves us as much as He does…no one who can care for us anywhere close to as well as He can. It is He, by an infinite margin, who can best care for us. Therefore, when we love or trust anyone or anything else more than God, the sin doesn’t simply offend Him. It is incredibly self-destructive. As we begin our worship series on the Ten Commandments, by the Spirit teach us to say, “Lord, have mercy, for our incessant idolatry.”
February 23, 2025
Series: Epiphany Moments, Sundays after Epiphany
Speaker: Pastor David Ruddat
Throughout this season of Epiphany, Jesus has described the governing principles of his kingdom being completely opposite to the governing principles of the world. This week Jesus asks us to befriend our enemies, to love those who hate us, and to repay evil with good. Worldly logic would say that is a recipe for being walked all over. Yet haven’t we seen this tactic work? When we were Christ’s enemies, he loved us to the point of death. He repays our daily wrongs with the daily goodness of his mercy. In doing so, he won us for himself.
Here is the epiphany we badly need to have. Following the strategy Jesus lays out—loving our enemies—is not a capitulation to evil. It is a means of conquering it.
February 2, 2025
Series: Epiphany Moments, Sundays after Epiphany
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Challenges, Change, Christian, Correct, Encourage, Equal, Equips, Even for this, Faith, Faithful, Forgiven, Free, God's Word, Gospel, Grace, hope, Jesus, Law, Love, Myth, New Testament, Old Testament, Opinions, Patience, Peace, Popular, Popularity, Proof, Rebuke, Remain, Saves, Success, Teach, Truth, Useful, Word
In 2009, Facebook added the “like” button. That same year, Twitter added the “retweet” feature. Interestingly, reported cases of depression began to rise sharply in 2010. It is easy to think that the more people like us, the more successful our lives must be. Likewise, it is easy to believe the more people like a church, the more successful that church is. So here is an important epiphany for both individuals and churches. Popularity is not proof of success.
Though there will be times when Christ’s gospel and those who proclaim it are popular, that popularity is never the goal. Nor does that popularity define success. If a church makes its central focus things like personal improvement, healing for the sick, or social justice, that church may draw a crowd. It just fails to carry out the true agenda Christ has given his Church. The gospel of forgiveness is to be the center of all our preaching and teaching. The agenda for Christ’s Church is set. It’s the same agenda that was followed by the Church’s Christ.
January 19, 2025
Series: Epiphany Moments, Sundays after Epiphany
Speaker: Pastor David Ruddat
It is easy for us to assume that if God says “no” to a request, we are getting less than we wanted. We need to have an epiphany moment, seeing the reality—that God always wants more for us than we want from him. Saying “yes” to all our requests would often result in us receiving less joy, less blessing, a lesser life. So, when God says “no” to our request, we can be assured it is because he wants to give us more. Far more than existing as a “help desk” or 911 dispatch, God’s love for us is like that of a groom for his bride. His love for us exceeds all expectation and understanding. In that love, God always delivers more than we ask, not less.
January 12, 2025
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
“Who is Jesus?” For the longest time, people thought the answer to that question was, “Mary and Joseph’s son” or “a carpenter from Nazareth.” While true enough, those answers do not adequately describe Jesus. But when Jesus was baptized, God the Father spoke, declaring Jesus true identity. Jesus was the dearly loved Son of God, chosen to be the Savior of the world.
“Who are you?” someone asks. Perhaps you would answer by providing your name. Maybe you would add additional information—where you are from or what you do for a living. Perhaps, in some dark corner of your mind, you would answer negatively. “I’m no one.”
We need to understand that none of those things really describes who we are. To answer that question—Who are you?—we must look to our baptism. Baptism is the cure for an identity crisis. There, just like he did with Jesus, our Father declares us to be his dearly loved child. Moreover, in baptism God anointed us with power for a life of selfless service. May God grant us this epiphany moment!
December 31, 2024
Series: New Year's Eve, The Gift of God
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
On this Eve of a New Year, we are gathered together to meditate on the goodness of our God during the past year and to pray for his grace for the future. As most years of our lives, this past one has likely been a year of joys and a year of sadness. There have been days when all has worked out well and days when it seems nothing could go right. We have laughed at times, cried at times, contemplated at times, and sometimes just sat back in wonder at life. Such is life in this imperfect world.
Yet in the midst of uncertainty we have turned again and again to the Lord our God who does not change. His Word has been our fortress and our Rock of refuge in all times. So as we approach the New Year tonight, we turn again to that Word – to its revelation and its promises. It helps us to know God better. It will direct our prayers. It will fill us with hope. It will remind us of the forgiveness which we have in Jesus for our failures. May the Lord bless our meditation and grant us a blessed New Year – connected with Jesus Christ, our Savior.
December 25, 2024
Series: Christmas, Nativity of Our Lord, The Gift of God
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Have you ever opened a Christmas present and had to ask, “What is it?” Perhaps it was some new type of technology or perhaps a unique toy. You were grateful for the gift, but also not 100% certain what you were looking at. “What is it?” Today, as we look into the manger, we ask that question. In this case, the question is not quickly or easily answered. It requires both deep thought and humble awe. We are looking at the same God who once told the prophet Moses, “No one may see me and live.” Yet, Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds all saw their holy God and survived. How? God became human, hiding his glory within our flesh, so that he might come to us without instilling fear or dread.
“What is it?” This gift is God and man in one person, exactly what humanity needed to deliver us from our greatest enemies: sin, death, and Satan. On the Festival of Christmas, we thank God for this greatest of gifts.
December 24, 2024
Series: Candlelight Worship, Christmas, The Gift of God
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
God Gives Heaven’s Best Gift in Earth’s Unlikeliest Place
November 4, 2024
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Borders, Christian, Citizen, Confidence, Contrast, Control, Enemy, Eternal, Forever, Forgiven, Forsake, God's Kingdom, Good, Gospel, Government, hope, Joy, Kingdom, Law, Leave, Life, Light, Live, Lord, Love, Loved, Nation, Never, Peace, People, Pray, Prayer, Promise, Resiliency, Salt, Salvation, Technology, Temporary
Tonight we gather together on the eve of a national election to carry out the Spirit’s words to us in 1 Timothy 2:1-4: I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Prayer before Worship: Heavenly Father, we gather together this evening to call on your name. You establish every earthly authority. You are in control of all things. We ask you to bless our country through the officials who will be elected. We also implore you to bless us with your Spirit as we worship so that we remember that in all things you are the ultimate source of all good things. Amen.