May 26, 2024
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
No Christian teaching demonstrates that we have a top-down faith more than the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. Scripture teaches that there is only one God. Yet that God exists as three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Incomprehensible! It is the type of teaching about which the psalmist declares, “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain” (Psalm 139:6). We believe in the Triune God without fully comprehending His existence, simply because the Spirit has given us the gift of faith. Our belief in the Triune God came from the top down.
Not only is the concept of the Trinity itself something unique to the Christian faith, but what the Triune God does for us and offers us is also completely unique. Our Triune God invites us into the blessed relationship that is part of His very nature. The members of the Trinity share with us an intimacy that they have enjoyed with each other from eternity. Our Triune God makes us not servants or subjects but blessed members of His family.
March 30, 2024
Series: Easter Vigil, Triduum
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: baptism, Communion, Faith, Free, Holy, Lessons, Light, Salvation, Thanksgiving, Victorious
In the early church the Easter Vigil was when the catechumens were baptized and received their first Communion. Baptism remains a central focus in the Vigil today. Even when there are no baptisms the congregation takes the time to remember their own baptism into Christ’s death and resurrection. The service traditionally was held late at night so that the pastor’s statement, “Alleluia! Christ is Risen” and the people’s response would be at midnight.
The Triduum (TRID-oo-um, “three days”) refers to the time from worship on Maundy Thursday until the final worship of Easter Day. The “Three Holy Days” of the passion and resurrection of Christ is the culmination of the entire church year. It is over these days – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter – that we celebrate God’s redeeming love in the dying and rising of His Son, Jesus, and still see that love today. The Triduum is a single celebration. Once we have begun the Triduum on Maundy Thursday, we do not “leave” it until Easter Sunday. It is one continuous celebration of dying and rising, with Christ.
November 19, 2023
Series: End Time, Saints Triumphant
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
The Sunday – Today the Church hears strains of the distant triumph song and affirms, “Blessed are they who are called to the marriage feast of the Lamb.” So while we wait, the Church prays, “Keep us ever watchful for the coming of your Son that we may sit with Him and all your holy ones at the marriage feast in heaven.” Lord, keep us watchful for our triumph!
The Season – The focus of the season is fulfillment of Christ’s promises and encouragement for the Church of the End Times.