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Topic: Powerful

  • February 14, 2024

    God on Trial – The unbelieving world has always insisted on putting God on trial. As our society becomes more secular, we Christians are increasingly aware of the many ways in which God—and His people—are judged. Temptations are many in this environment: treating unbelievers as enemies, retreating from the world, even questioning God ourselves. How do we live as people of God in this hostile world? We find our model—and our motivation—in Jesus. This series takes us back to the moments when God was literally on trial before men in the person of Christ. In these inspired episodes, we find forgiveness for us and all people, love for our enemies, strength for our faith, and courage to testify to the truth.

    Accusations – As we begin a series about our life in a hostile world, a world that puts God on trial, we must first confess that we have done the same.
    We accuse God! Today, He puts us in our place, and that’s a good thing. To repent in dust and ashes is to turn to the Lord for forgiveness.