January 21, 2024
Speaker: Pastor David Ruddat
Topic: Ambassadors, Barrier, Create, Grace, Life, mercy, Message, New, Reconciled, Reconciliation, Relational, Relationship, Repent, sin
From Jordan’s Shore to Mountain’s Glory: Committed to a Lofty Charge. To whom does the work of salvation belong? Simple question. There is only one Savior. Yet He gives our lives a profound meaning and eternal purpose, by sharing His work with us. He calls us not just to be followers, but to be follower-makers. Jesus asks some—pastors, missionaries, teachers—to do this full time. But ultimately Jesus asks all believers to serve as His ambassadors, sharing the Gospel with whomever He brings into our sphere of influence. This lofty charge requires commitment—a willingness to abandon everything else should faithfulness require it. This is the life-changing revelation for this week. Jesus has committed us to a lofty charge: the privilege to play a role in His saving work.