March 20, 2024
Series: God on Trial, Lenten Midweek
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
When we feel that the world is against us, it is easy to feel self-pity. We make ourselves the victims and wallow in our trouble. Jesus refused to do that, though. Rather, He felt compassion for those He knew would suffer after Him and even forgave those crucifying Him. Likewise, rather than pitying ourselves, we feel pity for those who have no idea of the destruction that awaits them and want them to know the Father’s forgiveness.
March 10, 2024
Series: Rethinking Religion, Sundays in Lent
Speaker: Pastor John Jordan
Topic: Christ, Cross, Crucified, Distracted, Faith, Falsehood, Influence, Information, Innocent, Message, Perception, power, Role Model, Truth, Wisdom
Rethinking the Solution to Sin. While not every religion uses the word “sin,” they all embrace the concept. Every religion acknowledges that mankind’s flawed attitudes or misguided actions are a source of pain, both now and potentially in eternity. So, every religion offers a solution: a set of laws, a moral code, a path to more enlightened behavior. What do they have in common? We are to solve sin through human effort. Be better! Try harder! This is the heart of every false religion. Those who correctly understand will never overcome their sins are crushed by guilt. Those who ludicrously believe they have defeated their sin are killed by pride.
True religion offers a better way—one that frees us from guilt and has no room for pride. Jesus teaches that the solution to our sin is not to work harder. It is to trust in the work He has done for us. Salvation comes through Spirit-wrought faith in Christ.