March 23, 2025
Series: Lent, Open Door Policies
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Always, Bad, Change, Death, Door, Dying, Faith, Forgiving, God, Good, hope, Jesus, Karma, Living, Loving, Nature, Open, Patient, Peace, Policies, Prepared, Present, Protect, Punish, Purpose, Repent, Repentance, Signs, sin, Sinners, Stubborn, Think, Thoughts, Threat, Tragedy, Truth, Warning, Why
The heavenly Father is always present in the lives of His children. He sees every sorrow we endure. He also sees every sin that we commit, even if it’s only in our thoughts. He is always present. Yet, He is also always patient. God does not snap at us the second we turn from Him. He gives us time to see the error of our ways. He assures us that the door back to Him remains always open. By giving us room to share our struggles and shortcomings, He works in us the very repentance He desires and saves us from the judgment that would otherwise be ours.
June 23, 2024
Series: A Top-Down Faith, Sundays after Pentecost
Speaker: Pastor Ron Raddatz
A powerful tornado rolls through your neighborhood. A massive hurricane heads straight for your city. A bolt of lightning sends 300 million volts to earth. The raw power and unpredictability of storms can inspire both awe and terror. We cannot stop storms from coming. We can only hope to survive them. However, we know the Almighty God can stop storms. He can calm literal storms. He could remove metaphorical storms, other types of troubles and trials. So, if He can, why doesn’t He?
Well, would you rather have a God who was distant from you but removed all the storms of life? Or would you rather have a God who allowed some storms to come but promised to be right there by your side within them, holding you close? May God give us the top-down faith that sees that the latter is by far the better option. God promises to be with us through all the storms of life. Sometimes He removes them. But when He doesn’t, it’s only because He has plans to use even storms for our eternal good.