March 23, 2025
Series: Lent, Open Door Policies
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Always, Bad, Change, Death, Door, Dying, Faith, Forgiving, God, Good, hope, Jesus, Karma, Living, Loving, Nature, Open, Patient, Peace, Policies, Prepared, Present, Protect, Punish, Purpose, Repent, Repentance, Signs, sin, Sinners, Stubborn, Think, Thoughts, Threat, Tragedy, Truth, Warning, Why
The heavenly Father is always present in the lives of His children. He sees every sorrow we endure. He also sees every sin that we commit, even if it’s only in our thoughts. He is always present. Yet, He is also always patient. God does not snap at us the second we turn from Him. He gives us time to see the error of our ways. He assures us that the door back to Him remains always open. By giving us room to share our struggles and shortcomings, He works in us the very repentance He desires and saves us from the judgment that would otherwise be ours.
July 9, 2023
Series: Sundays after Pentecost, The Christian...
This week we begin a 7-week series looking at various aspects of “The Christian.” The beautiful Prayer of the Day sets the tone for the Sunday. The Church prays for the love of God that we might always love Him above all things. The Verse of the Day describes this total commitment to Christ as denying ourselves and carrying our crosses. The lessons warn of the earthly ramifications of such love, but also point to the promised heavenly rewards. The Christian loves God above all things.