May 28, 2023
Series: Pentecost
Speaker: Pastor Randy Ott
Topic: Faith, Guilt, Holy Spirit, Judgment, Righteousness
God’s Old Testament people celebrated the gathering of the harvest at the Festival of Weeks. On the fiftieth day, God sent the promised Counselor on the day we call “Pentecost.” This day marked the birthday of the New Testament Church and celebrates the harvest of souls won by the Son and gathered by his servants empowered by his Spirit. Pentecost is the third great festival of the Church and has been commemorated since at least 217 A.D. The Church dresses in red to remind us of the tongues of fire that marked the Spirit’s gift and the blood of the martyrs which were the seed of the Church.
May 25, 2023
Series: Graduation
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle, Rick Muchka
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
May 23, 2023
Series: Sundays of Easter, The Redeemer Lives
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Confidence, Forgiven, Glory, Protected, Suffering
Live in eager expectation of glory! That glory is not dimmed by earthly suffering; rather, such suffering reminds us of the glory that awaits us. First the cross; then the crown. Our light and momentary troubles cannot mute the joy of living in eager expectation of glory.
May 18, 2023
Series: Ascension
In the early 700s AD, there lived an English churchman known to history as the Venerable Bede. He was the great teacher of the Middle Ages, the man who divided history into AD and BC, the first great historian of the English language and a devout man of God. On May 25, 735 AD, on the great Ascension Vigil, Bede finished his translation of the Gospel of St. John into Old English. Then, on that day of Ascension, he died. From his deathbed, the Teacher of the Middle Ages spoke the words that have become the Prayer of the Day on Ascension. This beautiful prayer sets the tone for the day, beginning with a note of triumph and ending with a supplication for the Spirit and His work.
May 14, 2023
Series: Sundays of Easter, The Redeemer Lives
The love of God who lives in us leads to a life of obedience. Jesus’ promise of another Counselor is a loaded one: the Holy Spirit gives us the ability to do what Jesus asks. This Sunday’s lessons teach that love for our risen Lord means obedience to His commands. Only Jesus’ promises make that possible.
May 7, 2023
Series: Sundays of Easter, The Redeemer Lives
I am the way, the truth, and the life. Christ’s message is so exclusive that it rejects all others. There is only one way to the Father, and that way is a person. The exclusivity of salvation resting in the person of Jesus Christ is a rock against which the unbelieving world crushes itself, but upon which God builds his Church. The Redeemer Lives to be the only Way to heaven.
April 30, 2023
Series: Good Shepherd Sunday, Sundays of Easter
On Good Shepherd Sunday we see how sharp the contrast is between true shepherds and false shepherds. All is determined by their relationship to Christ, the only gate for the sheep. The Redeemer Lives to be my Good Shepherd.
April 23, 2023
Series: Sundays of Easter, The Redeemer Lives
The certain hope of eternal life is founded on the death and resurrection of Christ. God had promised this ancient hope in Eden. God had carried this ancient hope in his Word through the ages. How did the disciples fail to anticipate the resurrection? They let their wants and cultural expectations color their view of Scripture, and hope was lost. But God restored this hope by raising Jesus from the dead and pointing his people to his promises. The Redeemer Lives to restore my hope.
April 16, 2023
Series: Sundays of Easter, The Redeemer Lives
After forty days of repentance, the Church bursts forth in praise during Easter. Easter is the oldest festival and season celebrated by the worshiping Church. For a full week-of-weeks (49 days) the Church celebrates the resurrection of Christ on the Sundays of Easter, which culminate on the 5th day, Pentecost. The Redeemer Lives!
In the face of doubt, Christ gives us proof and peace. To the doubting disciples, He gave certain proof that led to certain peace. Through His Word and sacraments, Jesus gives the same proof to all people of all time. The Redeemer Lives! He lives to give me proof and peace.