March 16, 2025
Series: Lent, Open Door Policies
Speaker: Pastor David Ruddat
The door to God and the glory he has prepared for us stands wide open. However, he has mapped out a very specific pathway to that door. It is not an easy one. As it did with Jesus, this route takes us through opposition, suffering, and even death. While our human nature may cause us to want to take a detour around these things, Jesus’ own life shows us that no detour is allowed. His cross came before his crown. The same path lies ahead of us. However, at the end of it, through the open door, we are offered a reward far superior to anything the world can offer.
December 24, 2024
Welcome to worship today at Morrison Zion Lutheran Church. We exist to glorify God. We… read more
December 22, 2024
Series: A Real Christmas..., Advent
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
By this time of the holiday season, people are often weighted down. They feel guilty about presents that are not perfect, or parties that did not go as planned, or year-end projects that did not get completed. To top it all off, now is when it dawns on people how little attention they have given to the spiritual preparation Advent invites.
If that is how we feel, perhaps the frenzy of December has done us a favor. We have been stretched to our limits. We have been made painfully aware of our shortcomings. We have been humbled. Perfect! For being made aware of our weakness does not disqualify us from God’s care. It does the opposite. IT is what prepares us for the work he does best. He is a God who lifts up the lowly.
December 15, 2024
Series: A Real Christmas..., Advent, Choir Concert, Christmas
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Advent marks the start of a new Church Year and helps us prepare for the coming our Savior. With family gatherings and shopping for presents, delicious food and Christmas songs, we feel the Christmas season is knocking at the door. The time to celebrate and remember the birth of the Savior is right around the corner. Let us come together this Advent and remember what His coming is really all about. A real Christmas results in knowing the real Jesus.
November 4, 2024
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Borders, Christian, Citizen, Confidence, Contrast, Control, Enemy, Eternal, Forever, Forgiven, Forsake, God's Kingdom, Good, Gospel, Government, hope, Joy, Kingdom, Law, Leave, Life, Light, Live, Lord, Love, Loved, Nation, Never, Peace, People, Pray, Prayer, Promise, Resiliency, Salt, Salvation, Technology, Temporary
Tonight we gather together on the eve of a national election to carry out the Spirit’s words to us in 1 Timothy 2:1-4: I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Prayer before Worship: Heavenly Father, we gather together this evening to call on your name. You establish every earthly authority. You are in control of all things. We ask you to bless our country through the officials who will be elected. We also implore you to bless us with your Spirit as we worship so that we remember that in all things you are the ultimate source of all good things. Amen.
October 20, 2024
Speaker: Pastor David Ruddat
“What’s in it for me?” It’s easy to look at life through the lens of that question, to make decisions based on perceived personal benefit. Perhaps at times we look at Christianity through that lens, wondering what we will gain from following Christ. “What’s in it for me?” Jesus’ first disciples asked that question. They hoped that following Christ would bring prestige and honor. They assumed following Christ would make life easier. But it doesn’t work like that. Followers of Christ are called to sacrifice for the well-being of others.
“What’s in it for me?” Everything! Because of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice, followers of Christ have the peace of His forgiveness. Followers of Christ have the joy of meaningful purpose. Followers of Christ look forward to an eternity of glory in Christ’s heavenly kingdom. In Spirit-wrought gratitude, followers of Christ make selfless sacrifices with joy.
May 23, 2024
Series: Graduation
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Eighth Grade Graduation Service
April 7, 2024
Series: Resurrection Reality, Sundays of Easter
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Condemned, Conflict, Experience, Faith, Fellowship, forgiveness, Gospel, Joy, Life, Peace, Proclaim, Reconciled, Saw, Share, Testify, Truth, Witnesses, Yoke
In most world religions, the alleged foundational event was experienced by only one person. A self-proclaimed prophet would allege he alone had some special encounter with God. “No really! Just trust me. It really happened.” The resurrection reality is so very different. In the Great Resurrection Chapter (1 Corinthians 15), St. Paul writes an entire paragraph listing all the people to whom Jesus appeared after He rose, including a group of over five hundred at one time. It is like St. Paul is telling skeptics, “You don’t need to take my word for it. Hundreds of us saw Jesus back from the dead.”
The proof of Jesus’ resurrection brought peace and strength to those early believers. They knew there was more to their existence than just their time on earth. They knew the reality that eternal life was theirs, a gift from their living Lord. It gave them incredible joy and courage. May the resurrection reality give us the same.
March 29, 2024
Series: Good Friday, Seven Words, Triduum
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
The Triduum (TRID-oo-um, “three days”) refers to the time from worship on Maundy Thursday until the final worship of Easter Day. The “Three Holy Days” of the passion and resurrection of Christ is the culmination of the entire church year. It is over these days – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter – that we celebrate God’s redeeming love in the dying and rising of His Son, Jesus, and still see that love today. The Triduum is a single celebration. Once we have begun the Triduum on Maundy Thursday, we do not “leave” it until Easter Sunday. It is one continuous celebration of dying and rising, with Christ.
The Three Holy Days of Christendom continue on Good Friday with a service that focuses our attention on the words Christ spoke while on the cross. In these words we see the depth of our Savior’s suffering as well as the depth of His love for us.