September 8, 2024
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Power is neither inherently good nor bad. Fire is powerful. The chef uses fire to create meals. But the arsonist uses fire to destroy homes. Nuclear fission is a powerful force. The engineer harnesses it, producing abundant electricity. The tyrant harnesses it, threating others with nuclear weapons. What matters is the purpose of the one who has that power.
Jesus has limitless power, as the numerous accounts of his miracles demonstrate. Those who witnessed those miracles understood that Jesus used his power for good. That doesn’t mean they all understood Jesus’ true purpose. Some thought Jesus’ purpose was to make this temporal life better. And while Jesus did that at times, his ultimate purpose was to save us from sin and give us the gift of eternal life. Followers of Christ see the true purpose of his power.
June 30, 2024
Series: A Top-Down Faith, Sundays after Pentecost
Speaker: Pastor Ron Raddatz
Most people fear death to some degree. Some fear death because they assume it is the end. Others fear death because they assume it isn’t the end at all, but that there is some sort of reckoning after death which might not go well for them. And have you seen what happens to a dead body? It is far from pretty. So, it is understandable that most people would fear death.
Not so for those to whom God has given a top-down faith. Christianity teaches that for God’s children, death is not discipline but deliverance. The living Lord gives Christians such a radically different view of death that they can have confidence to face death in their effort to give Christ glory. They understand that death does not cut us down, but only raises us up. Finally, the Christian has been given the top-down faith that believes Jesus can wake us from death as easily as we can wake a sleeping child from his nap.
March 6, 2024
Series: God on Trial, Lenten Midweek
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Accusations, Christian, Herod, Innocent, Jesus, King, Messiah, Misconceptions, Misleading, Misunderstanding, Perfection, Pilate, Preconceived, Sacrifice, Savior, Spiritual, Substitute, Truth
Misconceptions. Lord, keep us safe in the refuge of your anointed Son, so that when the nations rage against Him, we are not terrified. You have begotten Him from eternity and have seated Him on your throne in heaven. Let us see Him as He truly is, the One who lives and rules with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
February 28, 2024
Series: God on Trial, Lenten Midweek
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Lord, your Word is my delight. When I was lost in the darkness of sin, you penetrated my heart with the light of your Word. Let it enlighten my path each day that I may serve you in holiness. Let your Word shine through all I say and do that others may see you and praise your saving name. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.