March 10, 2024
Series: Rethinking Religion, Sundays in Lent
Speaker: Pastor John Jordan
Topic: Christ, Cross, Crucified, Distracted, Faith, Falsehood, Influence, Information, Innocent, Message, Perception, power, Role Model, Truth, Wisdom
Rethinking the Solution to Sin. While not every religion uses the word “sin,” they all embrace the concept. Every religion acknowledges that mankind’s flawed attitudes or misguided actions are a source of pain, both now and potentially in eternity. So, every religion offers a solution: a set of laws, a moral code, a path to more enlightened behavior. What do they have in common? We are to solve sin through human effort. Be better! Try harder! This is the heart of every false religion. Those who correctly understand will never overcome their sins are crushed by guilt. Those who ludicrously believe they have defeated their sin are killed by pride.
True religion offers a better way—one that frees us from guilt and has no room for pride. Jesus teaches that the solution to our sin is not to work harder. It is to trust in the work He has done for us. Salvation comes through Spirit-wrought faith in Christ.
March 6, 2024
Series: God on Trial, Lenten Midweek
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Accusations, Christian, Herod, Innocent, Jesus, King, Messiah, Misconceptions, Misleading, Misunderstanding, Perfection, Pilate, Preconceived, Sacrifice, Savior, Spiritual, Substitute, Truth
Misconceptions. Lord, keep us safe in the refuge of your anointed Son, so that when the nations rage against Him, we are not terrified. You have begotten Him from eternity and have seated Him on your throne in heaven. Let us see Him as He truly is, the One who lives and rules with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
March 3, 2024
Series: Rethinking Religion, Sundays in Lent
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Rethinking Religion: Rethinking the Worth of Worship. Person A never attends worship. He can’t see the point. Person B attends every week out of a slavish sense of obligation. Her mind wanders during the services, for she views the activities of worship merely as tasks for her to complete. Who is worse off? Rather than debating the point, let us just admit neither understand the true worth of worship. And that is exactly what Satan wants.
Many think worship is about what we do for God. It is the other way around. As we gather around Word and sacrament, the Spirit moves us to love and trust in God above all things. Moved by the cross of Christ, we bow down before our God. We commune with Him. And that’s exactly what God wants.
February 28, 2024
Series: God on Trial, Lenten Midweek
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Lord, your Word is my delight. When I was lost in the darkness of sin, you penetrated my heart with the light of your Word. Let it enlighten my path each day that I may serve you in holiness. Let your Word shine through all I say and do that others may see you and praise your saving name. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
February 25, 2024
Series: Rethinking Religion, Sundays in Lent
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
We know that the cross was an instrument of torture and execution. However, Scripture also uses the term “cross” to refer to any suffering that one endures because he is believer: the painful denial of the desires of the flesh; ridicule and persecution from unbelievers; etc. This is one reason people reject religion. They see Christians struggling in life with these crosses, while non-Christians often seem perfectly happy. Even the prophet Jeremiah asked, “Why do all the faithless live at ease?” (12:1).
Today, Jesus asks us to rethink suffering under the cross. It is not pointless pain. Our crosses are not how we pay for sin. Jesus already did that on His cross. Our crosses are not redemptive, but they are constructive. Any suffering unbelievers face is only bad, a foretaste of worse to come. But the suffering believers face under the cross is only good, a way Christ connects us tightly to Himself with fire-tested faith.
February 21, 2024
Series: God on Trial, Lenten Midweek
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Accusations, compassion, Enemy, forgiveness, Humble, Love, Restraint
We live in an emotionally charged, partisan world. It is important to remember that those against us, like Malchus, are fellow sinners with names and souls, themselves being led astray. There’s no need to attack. If Jesus is in control, as He clearly demonstrates, we can show restraint, even love, just as He did, without sacrificing what matters most.
February 18, 2024
Series: Rethinking Religion, Sundays in Lent
Speaker: Pastor David Ruddat
Topic: Accusations, Assumptions, Corruption, Evil, Forgiven, God's Love, Grace, Love, Religion, Rethink, Temptations, Tests, Trials
“If God loves us, why doesn’t He remove all the trials and tests and temptations that we face?” That question demonstrates the religious assumption that those things are bad. They aren’t. In the hands of a loving God, they are tools by which He refines our faith. He uses tests as a way to compel us to be less self-reliant, and instead trust in His strength. He uses trials to teach us that this broken world is not our true home. God even takes Satan’s temptations and uses them for our good.
Trials, tests, and temptations are not exceptions to God’s love. That’s a false assumption! These are examples of God’s love. Proof is that God allowed His beloved Son Jesus to face trials and temptations, so that He might be our perfect savior and substitute.
February 14, 2024
Series: Ash Wednesday, God on Trial
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Accusations, Damaging, forgiveness, Misconceptions, Powerful, Repentance, Trial, Truth
God on Trial – The unbelieving world has always insisted on putting God on trial. As our society becomes more secular, we Christians are increasingly aware of the many ways in which God—and His people—are judged. Temptations are many in this environment: treating unbelievers as enemies, retreating from the world, even questioning God ourselves. How do we live as people of God in this hostile world? We find our model—and our motivation—in Jesus. This series takes us back to the moments when God was literally on trial before men in the person of Christ. In these inspired episodes, we find forgiveness for us and all people, love for our enemies, strength for our faith, and courage to testify to the truth.
Accusations – As we begin a series about our life in a hostile world, a world that puts God on trial, we must first confess that we have done the same.
We accuse God! Today, He puts us in our place, and that’s a good thing. To repent in dust and ashes is to turn to the Lord for forgiveness.
February 11, 2024
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Care, Death, Everlasting, forgiveness, Glorified, Holding, Jesus, Love, Peace, Reconciled, Rejoice, Savior, Word of God
This Epiphany journey with Jesus started from the shores of the Jordan at his Baptism. Before we begin the season of Lent and the journey to the cross, we will get a taste of His glory on the Mount of Transfiguration. Our lives are filled with blessings and challenges, mountains and valley. But clinging to Christ and what He has done for us, in His ministry, in His substitution for us and in His death and rising, we can truly rejoice. Join us in praising God for the many reasons we can Rejoice!