February 28, 2024
Series: God on Trial, Lenten Midweek
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Lord, your Word is my delight. When I was lost in the darkness of sin, you penetrated my heart with the light of your Word. Let it enlighten my path each day that I may serve you in holiness. Let your Word shine through all I say and do that others may see you and praise your saving name. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
February 25, 2024
Series: Rethinking Religion, Sundays in Lent
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
We know that the cross was an instrument of torture and execution. However, Scripture also uses the term “cross” to refer to any suffering that one endures because he is believer: the painful denial of the desires of the flesh; ridicule and persecution from unbelievers; etc. This is one reason people reject religion. They see Christians struggling in life with these crosses, while non-Christians often seem perfectly happy. Even the prophet Jeremiah asked, “Why do all the faithless live at ease?” (12:1).
Today, Jesus asks us to rethink suffering under the cross. It is not pointless pain. Our crosses are not how we pay for sin. Jesus already did that on His cross. Our crosses are not redemptive, but they are constructive. Any suffering unbelievers face is only bad, a foretaste of worse to come. But the suffering believers face under the cross is only good, a way Christ connects us tightly to Himself with fire-tested faith.
February 11, 2024
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Care, Death, Everlasting, forgiveness, Glorified, Holding, Jesus, Love, Peace, Reconciled, Rejoice, Savior, Word of God
This Epiphany journey with Jesus started from the shores of the Jordan at his Baptism. Before we begin the season of Lent and the journey to the cross, we will get a taste of His glory on the Mount of Transfiguration. Our lives are filled with blessings and challenges, mountains and valley. But clinging to Christ and what He has done for us, in His ministry, in His substitution for us and in His death and rising, we can truly rejoice. Join us in praising God for the many reasons we can Rejoice!
December 31, 2023
Series: Christmas, New Year, New Year's Eve
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Broken, compassion, Focus, Forgive, Gentleness, Humility, Kindness, Loved, Patience, Peace, Reign, Resolution, Rule, Share, sin
On Christmas Eve a choir of angels sang, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” So, where is this peace on earth? Between nations? There are always wars going on somewhere. In our country? True eternal peace comes through Christ. Because of what Christ did as our Savior, there is no hostility between us and God, only peace and love. We have the peace of salvation in our hearts, as we turn from one year to another.
December 25, 2023
Series: Christmas, Nativity of Our Lord
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Good News of Great Joy! God Became Man! Christmas Day fills us with wonder–that the Creator God could become flesh and dwell among us. This shows His great love for us. This is the Savior we need! Where we have failed, Jesus was perfect. His sacrifice means the forgiveness of sins! Let us marvel at this good news of great joy!
December 24, 2023
Series: Christmas
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Good News of Great Joy! The King shall come–just as promised.
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
“I bring you good news of great joy…. A Savior has been born.” Think of what the angel’s statement means. If you believe you are basically a decent person—not perfect, but good enough—you can still enjoy the carols and appreciate the pretty lights. You can still relish giving presents and gathering with family. But you will not have “great joy” this Christmas. For the angel said that the “good news of great joy” was the fact that “a Savior has been born.” One cannot truly celebrate Christmas unless one believes he needs salvation.
December 10, 2023
Series: Advent, The King Shall Come
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: Chaos, Comfort, Construction, Destruction, Difficulty, Good news, Heart, Peace, Repentance, Suffering
Scriptures teach that King Jesus is the Son of God in flesh and the only hope for salvation. Jesus himself claimed that He is the only way into the glorious kingdom of heaven. You do not approach meeting someone like that casually or carelessly. You prepare meticulously. What does that mean? What does a life of readiness—ready to meet such a King—look like? In one word: repentance. If we insist on hanging onto our sins, how can we receive the One who came for the very purpose of taking those sins away?
Throughout history, God has raised up called servants—like John the Baptist—to preach a message of repentance. This repentance is central to our preparation for the Lord’s coming. Without repentance, the King’s coming only terrifies. But all those who believe and repent look forward to the coming of the King and the consummation of his everlasting kingdom.
November 12, 2023
Series: End Time, Last Judgment
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
The Sunday – Lord, keep us mindful of the Judgment! He will come to judge the living and the dead. We confess it every Sunday, but often live like those are empty words. Today the Church prays that God keep us ever mindful of the Last Judgment that we might be found in faith, fruitful in both Word and deed. Then there’s no need to fear Judgment Day; rather, we can look forward to the day of our redemption.
The Season – The focus of the season is fulfillment of Christ’s promises and encouragement for the Church of the End Times. We live in the last age of this earth, and in this season, Jesus wants us to remember His promise, “Behold, I am coming soon!” The Prayer of the Day for each Sunday in End Times sets the theme for the day. On each Sunday, the Church prays that God would bestow on her a characteristic necessary for the End Times Church.