January 19, 2025
Series: Epiphany Moments, Sundays after Epiphany
Speaker: Pastor David Ruddat
It is easy for us to assume that if God says “no” to a request, we are getting less than we wanted. We need to have an epiphany moment, seeing the reality—that God always wants more for us than we want from him. Saying “yes” to all our requests would often result in us receiving less joy, less blessing, a lesser life. So, when God says “no” to our request, we can be assured it is because he wants to give us more. Far more than existing as a “help desk” or 911 dispatch, God’s love for us is like that of a groom for his bride. His love for us exceeds all expectation and understanding. In that love, God always delivers more than we ask, not less.
January 12, 2025
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
“Who is Jesus?” For the longest time, people thought the answer to that question was, “Mary and Joseph’s son” or “a carpenter from Nazareth.” While true enough, those answers do not adequately describe Jesus. But when Jesus was baptized, God the Father spoke, declaring Jesus true identity. Jesus was the dearly loved Son of God, chosen to be the Savior of the world.
“Who are you?” someone asks. Perhaps you would answer by providing your name. Maybe you would add additional information—where you are from or what you do for a living. Perhaps, in some dark corner of your mind, you would answer negatively. “I’m no one.”
We need to understand that none of those things really describes who we are. To answer that question—Who are you?—we must look to our baptism. Baptism is the cure for an identity crisis. There, just like he did with Jesus, our Father declares us to be his dearly loved child. Moreover, in baptism God anointed us with power for a life of selfless service. May God grant us this epiphany moment!
January 5, 2025
Series: Epiphany, The Gift of God
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Topic: All, Amazing, Angel, Awe, Beauty, Breathless, Danger, Facts, Focus, Gentile, Gift, God, Goodness, Greater, Heard, Humility, Israel, Jesus, Jews, Knowledge, Lord, Lose, News, Overwhelmed, People, Practice, Priceless, Reveal, Reviews, Rumors, Savior, Saw, Sheba, sin, Solomon, Truth, Wisdom, World
On Christmas Eve the angel told the shepherds, “I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people” (Luke 2:10). One wonders if those words struck those Jewish shepherds as odd. For centuries, God had given special attention to one nation—Israel. There were Jewish religious leaders who taught that only members of that special people would be saved. Not according to the Christmas angel! The birth of the Savior was good news for all people.
Today we celebrate the Festival of the Epiphany. Epiphany comes from a Greek word meaning “reveal.” When the Savior was born, he was first revealed to Israelites: the shepherds, Simeon, Anna. But today, we see the Lord miraculously guides foreigners across countless miles so the Savior could be revealed to them as well. How did the magi respond? “They were overjoyed” (Matthew 2:10). The Festival of Epiphany is sometimes known as “The Gentiles’ Christmas.” We Gentiles (non-Jews) rejoice in the good news that this Jewish baby is not just a gift for the Jews. He is a gift for all people—the Savior of the world.
December 31, 2024
Series: New Year's Eve, The Gift of God
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
On this Eve of a New Year, we are gathered together to meditate on the goodness of our God during the past year and to pray for his grace for the future. As most years of our lives, this past one has likely been a year of joys and a year of sadness. There have been days when all has worked out well and days when it seems nothing could go right. We have laughed at times, cried at times, contemplated at times, and sometimes just sat back in wonder at life. Such is life in this imperfect world.
Yet in the midst of uncertainty we have turned again and again to the Lord our God who does not change. His Word has been our fortress and our Rock of refuge in all times. So as we approach the New Year tonight, we turn again to that Word – to its revelation and its promises. It helps us to know God better. It will direct our prayers. It will fill us with hope. It will remind us of the forgiveness which we have in Jesus for our failures. May the Lord bless our meditation and grant us a blessed New Year – connected with Jesus Christ, our Savior.
December 29, 2024
Series: Sundays after Christmas, The Gift of God
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
The Son of God took on flesh for two reasons: to be our substitute and our sacrifice. You see, when God created mankind in his image, his desire was that we would live holy lives, full of love for him and our fellow man. When mankind fell into sin, that became impossible. So, the heavenly Father sent Jesus. He is the only human being to keep all of God’s law perfectly. He did that as our substitute. Through faith, we claim his perfection as our own. But we needed another gift—one who could pay for the sin we had committed. And so, the Son of God became human for another reason—so that he might die as the sacrifice for our sins, removing that barrier between us and a holy God.
Understanding we needed both—substitute and sacrifice—helps us better understand Jesus’ saving work. That work includes more than Jesus’ death on the cross. Jesus saving work began the moment he was born under the law and obeyed it. This week, we thank God that Jesus served us in both these much-needed ways!
December 25, 2024
Series: Christmas, Nativity of Our Lord, The Gift of God
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
Have you ever opened a Christmas present and had to ask, “What is it?” Perhaps it was some new type of technology or perhaps a unique toy. You were grateful for the gift, but also not 100% certain what you were looking at. “What is it?” Today, as we look into the manger, we ask that question. In this case, the question is not quickly or easily answered. It requires both deep thought and humble awe. We are looking at the same God who once told the prophet Moses, “No one may see me and live.” Yet, Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds all saw their holy God and survived. How? God became human, hiding his glory within our flesh, so that he might come to us without instilling fear or dread.
“What is it?” This gift is God and man in one person, exactly what humanity needed to deliver us from our greatest enemies: sin, death, and Satan. On the Festival of Christmas, we thank God for this greatest of gifts.
December 24, 2024
Series: Candlelight Worship, Christmas, The Gift of God
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
God Gives Heaven’s Best Gift in Earth’s Unlikeliest Place
December 24, 2024
Welcome to worship today at Morrison Zion Lutheran Church. We exist to glorify God. We… read more
December 22, 2024
Series: A Real Christmas..., Advent
Speaker: Pastor James Enderle
By this time of the holiday season, people are often weighted down. They feel guilty about presents that are not perfect, or parties that did not go as planned, or year-end projects that did not get completed. To top it all off, now is when it dawns on people how little attention they have given to the spiritual preparation Advent invites.
If that is how we feel, perhaps the frenzy of December has done us a favor. We have been stretched to our limits. We have been made painfully aware of our shortcomings. We have been humbled. Perfect! For being made aware of our weakness does not disqualify us from God’s care. It does the opposite. IT is what prepares us for the work he does best. He is a God who lifts up the lowly.